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by Brian Grainger: email.gif (183 bytes)

First of all thanks to those who e-mailed their congratulations to myself and Bill for getting the first e-journal out on time. As you can see we have managed a second issue with a variety of items covering Commodore 64, PC and Amiga. The Readers Write section includes a plea for help from Bob Harris. I hope someone has the answer. Talking of help, if any readers out there would wish to volunteer for me to pass queries onto I would appreciate hearing from you with details of your particular expertise.

I guess the article I am most excited about this issue is that from Betty Clay. It was passed to me from the Compuserve forums by John Bickerstaff and I am happy to give it a wider audience, especially as it has some good news about the Amiga.

Bill Wood relates his early experiences of computing and Ken Ross tells us the latest on the Commodore 64 scene.

We have a couple of reviews. Earl Dallas talks of the LS120 super floppy and Francis Townsend looks at the new PCs from Tesco!

Finally, if you have heard about Linux and have been unsure about what it is then that is the subject of my main contribution this time.

It has been quite a busy couple of months for me. After getting the last e-journal out it was time to start learning how to create the web pages on the ICPUG web site. Our Web Master may have to disappear suddenly in the near future, because of his work. When that happens I need to be able to do his job as well! That's as well as editing, not as well as Bill. I am sure you will agree he has created a great design for the e-journal pages.

Well, have a good read and better still send a contribution. Deadline for the next issue is 13th May.


The Editor: email.gif (183 bytes)

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