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by Brian Grainger: email.gif (183 bytes)


This particular issue of the e-Journal marks a landmark in a number of ways.

First, I have been unable to produce it in time, missing the deadline of the end of November by a wide margin. This was initially due to lack of stuff but when I had the articles I found it difficult to find the time to put it together. My full time work commitment was the reason for that. Both of these reasons contribute to the third landmark but more of that in a minute.

The second landmark is that we have passed the two year mark since the e-journal was launched. Although the contributions to the e-journal have lessened over the period the visitors to the site have increased. I monitor the hit count on the front page and in the last year the number of hits per day has gone up over fifty per cent during the week. It is interesting that the number of hits lessens at the weekend. This may mean an awful lot of people access the web from work! Alternatively, it may mean that, like me, you find other things to do at the weekend, (or in your case maybe the wife finds them!).

The problems with getting this issue out on time forces me to make changes which bring about the third landmark. This will be the last issue in the present format. I am going to introduce fully what I had planned to do anyway at some point. No more deadlines and issue dates. The e-journal will, like the other sections of the ICPUG pages, evolve in real time as things come in. This means I can edit and upload one thing at a time which will help to get it done. It also means I am not reliant on a batch of articles to be available at specific time points. It may mean that the number of articles may reduce but I hope not. In this issue I have made use of a number of articles that have come from other sections of the web, with permission of course. Thanks go to Ken Ross for trawling these and sending them to me. This approach may have to be used more although I intend to contribute specific articles and I hope that Ken and Alan Crease will continue to do so. Of course, I would like to use as much home grown material as possible so if you want to say something get writing and send it when you like.

This time the journal has a bit more Mac input than usual. Gavin Haines talks about programming on the Mac and John Christie tells us of a Mac tech support service for users of the older machines.

John Ardelli, using queries that have been raised on a CBM forum, has provided two items. One on the 1541 disk drive and the second on programming and memory efficiency.

Ken's input this time includes how to get the most out of an Epson print cartridge, amongst other things.

Robert Bernardo makes a return visit to the journal to describe his tour of Commodore user groups in the USA.

Finally, on the lighter side, I have collected some JPEGs that hint at the exasperating times some of us PC users have with Microsoft software.

That's it for this time. Look out for future stuff in the Features section of the ICPUG web.

The Editor: email.gif (183 bytes)

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