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by Brian Grainger email.gif (183 bytes)

Once again very little has changed in the layout of this site, despite my saying that things were going to happen. This is partly to do with the confusion over Webmastership. As I said last time, Bill was in the process of starting editing again so I did not really want to mess up the pages. I had transferred the passwords of the site to Bill and he was looking at the pages in preparation when out of the blue he got the offer of a new job. He plans to take it and feels that he would not have enough time to devote to being the ICPUG Web Master. Bill always said that he did not want to do the job for ever so I can only wish him well when he starts his new job and I will continue to do the web mastering to the best of my ability. I am hoping that Bill might contribute something occasionally.

While I am not working myself I do have plenty of time to devote to the web site. My only concern is that should I become employed again I too might find I have to give less time to the web. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

You may have noticed that the number of What's New items has been gradually increasing each month. This is heartening to note as, although some of it is based on how many relevant news stories I can get up, it reflects the increased correspondence from surfers viewing the pages. The ads section seems to get a small steady flow now and I have recently had correspondence which says that items have been sold or obtained. In the early days of the web site Steve Croucher was never sure whether the ads were working. I think there is now evidence to suggest they are.

Signing the Visitors Book is a rarer occurrence but it was nice to hear from Robin Leaver recently. As readers of my ICPUG history article will know, Robin hosted the first meeting of ICPUG all those years ago. He was member number 15, as opposed to my number 8, so I am still the oldest member I know of. Robin has now retired to Grange-Over-Sands in Cumbria.

Finally, I am hoping to report soon that a new Amiga has been sighted! It has been reported that the Gateway 2000 show in St. Louis at the beginning of April will sport a developers machine and just as soon as I know what happened I will have it up on the Amiga page. It came too late for Will Light though. One of the Coventry ICPUG organisers, Will finally succumbed and bought a PC recently.

Happy surfing.


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