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by Brian Grainger email.gif (183 bytes)

trainee webmaster for

Bill Ritchie: email.gif (183 bytes)

It has been a quiet couple of months with regard to the ICPUG web pages in general. We had another glitch where the forms failed to work but it was caught quickly and I do not think anyone was inconvenienced.

I have had two main aims in the period. First, in line with my thoughts in the Editorial last month, I have been trying to get news items up as soon as possible. This has meant that the news concerning the trials and tribulations of Amiga Inc. have been available to ICPUG readers before the E-Journal has arrived. It pays to visit the 'What's New' page regularly now, at least once a week.

The second aim has been to do a bit of housekeeping. Having got the Visitors Book entries up to date with those visitors since I started web mastering I have now turned my attention to the software and Java links page. I have been aware for some time that a lot of these links are out of date and point nowhere. I am slowly trying each one out and modifying the link if I am told where the site has moved. In the majority of cases no information is forthcoming so I have to delete the link. When I finish the exercise I will have a much-shortened list of links. If you know of any good (free or shareware) software then send me the link via the form provided.

Bill Ritchie is now back in the UK and is busily getting his new abode in order. By next time he may be back talking to you on this page.


The Webmaster: email.gif (183 bytes)

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