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4th February 2004

SEVEN AND-A-HALF BITS (of a bus??)

Joe Griffin


(This article was first published in the ICPUG Journal MAY /JUNE 1989 issue.
Permission from Joe Griffin to republish on the Internet has been received.)

the only replacement for an
8032 is another 8032!

8 bit support

There have been a few voices raised in protest recently over the amount of Amiga content in the ICPUG newsletter and the relative scarcity of support for the 8 bit Commodores. I am an 8-bitter, I have no desire to obtain an Amiga, as I am not interested in games, music, graphics or outdoing the neighbours by having the latest technology! Now for the benefit of the two remaining ICPUG members that I haven't just upset, I'll return to the point.

Within the group, we have a wide range of talents. At the upper (?) end of the range, we have people like Arnot , Cranstoun, Grainger, Todd & Tranmer some of whom work professionally in computing and who are pushing the boundaries of knowledge on the machine. In 1982, when 1 first joined ICPUG, they and their predecessors were running 8096's and were starling to play with ViC20's. The moan from the membership in those days was what about all of us with 3032's, we aren't getting support any more. When the 64 appeared, that was the new ground and attracted the bulk of the interest. Then came the ill fated C16 and Plus/4; these never attracted the same monopoly as the 64, possibly because they were perceived within the group as over-priced games machines. With the arrival of the 128, there was again a burst of monomania within the newsletter which was followed in short order by the advent of Commodore's ultimate games machine, the Amiga. Those few people who are really out in front (as opposed to the many who would like to think they are) are breaking new ground. They can't find much new ground to break on the 8096 or the 64, it was done 5 or more years ago but the Amiga is new and relatively unexplored.

In the second rank, so to speak, come the vast majority of those who write for the newsletter. I class myself in this group. We are knowledgeable about our respective machines but are not in the expert category. Below this (in terms of knowledge, not importance) come degrees of expertise right down to the member who has a machine but knows little of it other than how to run specific programs and has joined ICPUG mainly because we are the only people who write about that machine, other than in terms of games software. I don't bother to count those people who join only for the free software or the discount scheme.

As a librarian and a fairly frequent contributor to our Journal, I attract a fair number of letters with queries. Some of these queries are trivially simple (to me, but not to the poor unfortunate who does not understand that you can slow a PET listing, rather than have it rush up the' screen like an express train). However, now and again I get a real humdinger (usually from a novice) which leads me off on a voyage of discovery for myself. Then, of course, there is the glow of satisfaction when I sort out a problem for one of our members.

No, everybody in ICPUG has a role to play, whether they are a 'C' and Assembler programmer for the Amiga, or a 'on a good day I can find the power switch' type. However, I accept that for many of the more novice members, to say " if you don't like what's in the newsletter, give us a contribution" will frighten them off, rather than encourage them to write. BUT not so long ago we were all novices and the only way to become a writer of international repute, like me, [what? -Ed] is by actually doing some writing (on second thoughts maybe that should be 'ill repute'). It was pleasing to see a number of new names in the March/April newsletter.

To return to the original theme of 8 bit info; some time ago it was suggested in the National Committee that we should put together another 'Compendium'. The original IPUG Compendium' came out in November 1980 and contained most of the material of value for Original and Upgrade ROM PET's. We thought that a single publication, containing the words of wisdom of the past 8 or 9 years would be of value to many members. We got a response of about 10, only. I hope that an article on back numbers will appear in this issue, directing 8 bit users to previous magazines of particular merit for specific machines. [sorry, maybe next issue - Ed ]

This column 'Seven-and-a-half bits' is part of my own attempt to ensure that every issue contains something for the 8-bitters. I would like your feedback; ideas for future rantings will be gratefully received and considered and your help is immediately requested.

Disk Drive Identification

Many of you will know that I have a 'thing' about disk drives. A number of the programs I have written or developed use a short routine to identify the disk drive in use, from Its ROM code. Recently, it was pointed out to me by a member that his 1571 claims to run DOS 3.0, whereas my routine identified it as a 1571 running DOS 3.1. My 1571 (which as you know from the last issue contains the 'latest' Commodore ROM) is identified as DOS 3.1. So the way to tell if your drive Is, for the moment (but see below), insolubly bug ridden, is to look at the DOS version.

The routine I use is essentially this:

OPEN 1,8,15:PRINT#1, "M-R"CHR$(a1)CHR$(ah) :GET#1,A$:A$=A$+CHR$(0):CLOSE1

Printing the ASCII value of A$ will then give the value read from ROM.

The drives and values I know about are listed below, if anyone finds a drive which does not conform, I would be pleased to hear about it and investigate further.

Initially, I interrogate the high byte of the reset vector, to obtain drive identity. In a few cases further investigation is required.

al ah a$ drive type

255 255 255 1581 or d90xx hard drive
2541541, 2031 or 1571
242 8050, dos 2.5
226 3040
213 4040,dos 2.1
198 dos 2.7, 4040, 8050 or 8250

To distinguish between drives having the same hi-reset value, a second location is read:

0 d90xx hard drive
21 255 141 1541
81 2031
76 1571 (dos 3.0 & 3.1)
234 16 0 dos 2.7 4040
172 16 1 dos 2.7 8050
2 dos 2.7 8250

If you have a drive which doesn't conform. please let me know. At the moment, I would like data on 1570, 1540 (Vic) and 2020 drives. I'd also like ROM dumps from these drives and the 1551, original (metal cased) 2031 and SFD 1001. I can supply a program to obtain a ROM dump, if anyone would like to assist.

1571 Bug Saga

Following on from my article in Vol 11, Issue 2, I have had feedback from a few members with metal 128D's, confirming my findings. In particular, I sent a copy of the test program to Tim Harris of Financial Systems. Having found the bug on his machines, Tim tested the 1571 with Jiffy Dos fitted. Sadly, it failed but when Tim spoke to the authors, they admitted that they were unaware of the bug and promised to fix it. I have written direct to them and hope that we will see a fix for our machines. As before, I will keep you updated through this column.

Super Diskdoc

I have mentioned Precision's SDD in many articles. Its one major failing, in my opinion, is that it does not cater for the 1581 3.5 inch drive (which was introduced after the program was written). Some time ago, I did offer Precision my services in producing a new version of the program to cope, but received no response. I suspect that this is because they are not willing to invest effort in promoting a product for machines at the end of their life.

In order to use SDD with the 1581, I have hacked the code, to replace the data for the 8050 (which I don't have) with the details for the 1581. At the moment, the BAM functions do not work, but everything else does . They are very simple to carry out and only about 25 bytes of the data table need to be changed.

If anyone else has already done this, please let me know, so that we can compare notes.